CEO videos

CEO videos in digital financial communication

CEO videos: excellence in corporate influencing

Being a CEO is, among others, strongly connected to communication and reputation, within and outside the company. Therefore, CEO positioning plays a crucial role when it comes to defining a unique corporate identity. How can CEO positioning be included in financial reports and what effects does it have? To answer this question we have analysed CEO videos of DAX40 companies produced for the 2022 financial year.

CEO positioning:
You came, you saw, I convinced!

The positioning of a company’s leader is aiming at increasing awareness of the CEO and differentiating them as well as the company from others. It is most effective when based on a sound management process wherein activities are continuously executed and evaluated.

Our research shows: The reputation of a CEO is a driver of company profile and value, influencing the overall reputation of a company. CEO positioning requires executive personality, visibility, accessibility, thought leadership, personal touch, and participation. CEO videos complement overall CEO communication and add another dimension to the otherwise fact-driven financial reporting.

Who we are...

HHL Leipzig and nexxar conducted research on the influence of CEO videos in digital reporting.

Facts and Figures

Facts and Figures

What are the main characteristics of CEO videos?



Facts and Figures

What are the main characteristics of CEO videos?



Facts and Figures

What are the main characteristics of CEO videos?

How many of the DAX 40 companies use CEO videos in their digital reports?


What is the average length of CEO videos
(in minutes)?


Facts and Figures


And the winners are… Financial Performance and Strategy

Which topics are mostly addressed in the CEO videos?


Companies with the highest ranked CEO videos of DAX 40


Rank Company Score (out of possible 16)
1. Bayer 11 Watch video
2. Henkel 9 Watch video
3. Merck 9 Watch video
4. Deutsche Telekom 8 Watch video
5. E.ON 8 Watch video
6. Beiersdorf 8 Watch video
7. Covestro 8 Watch video
8. Siemens 7 Watch video
9. BASF 7 Watch video
10. Infineon 6 Watch video

Best Practice

Best Practice

  • Bayer

    Bayer: CFO video as an example for collective leadership

    1. Bayer works with creative backspaces and dynamic motion. The CFO is presented on site in a lab wearing a white coat and being part of the “action”.
    2. In the video the CFO refers to the key KPIs, honors all employees and mentions strategy and expectations for each business segment.
    3. The video can be found on Bayer’s website and on YouTube in English, including subtitles.
    Watch video
  • Henkel

    Henkel: CEO addresses the audience directly

    1. The video was filmed in office setting and works with a storyboard of four chapters. The CEO is presented in his official role in a business suit.
    2. The CEO addresses topics such as growth, challenges, employee efforts, and long-term strategy.
    3. The video is accessible on Henkel’s website, LinkedIn and YouTube in German and English, including subtitles in both languages.
    Watch video
  • Merck

    Merck: CFO and CEO presenting results together

    1. Both, the CEO and the CFO are headed to a press conference, leaving their offices and leading the audience through the Merck headquarters.
    2. The CFO presents the growth KPIs in general and of the specific business sectors; the CEO addresses the audience in a more emotional way, talking about challenges of the present and the future and thanks the employees for their efforts.
    3. The video can be found on LinkedIn only and is accessible in English with subtitles.
    Watch video

Research design

Research Design

  • 1. Identification of the topic

    CEO Videos in Digital Annual Reports

  • 2. Development of a method

    based on research about CEO positioning in corporate communication theory

  • 3. Study of available DAX40 interviews

    by a team of HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management

  • 4. Analysis and evaluation

    based on the developed CEO Video score

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Zitat Claudio Barrantes

„Neither a photo nor a board letter can address the stakeholders on the same emotional and personal level as a video. Videos are state of art in management communication.“

– Claudio Barrantes, Motion graphic designer at nexxar