Excellence in board communication
C-Level Video Award
We honor #excellence in board communication
We honor #excellence in board communication
Videos are the gold standard of board communication. To corporate stakeholders, they are particularly suitable for communicating messages authentically, clearly and creatively. The C-Level Video Award honors the most creative and best videos by board members of listed companies.
The C-Level Video Award is an initiative of the HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management and part of the Digital Investor Relations (DIR) lab. The DIR lab drives excellence in digital stakeholder communication.
What is our award about
What is our award about
The C-Level Video Award honors personal videos of board members (e.g. CEO, CFO, COO). The clips are made for external stakeholders and relate to financial or ESG communication. Submitted videos should primarily address corporate stakeholders (e.g. investors) and be part of the external communication (videos must be publicly available).
In 2024, the submission of videos is free of charge. Both representatives of companies and their agencies can submit C-Level videos by sending us a link to it via mail.
This is our jury
This is our jury
Our expert jury is headed by Prof. Henning Zülch (HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management) and consists of researchers in financial communication, video producers as well as storytelling and communication experts.
(Video producers within the jury cannot evaluate own projects)
Prof. Henning Zülch
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Prof. Monika Kovarova-Simecek
St. Pölten UAS LLC
Michael Hedtstück
Financial Storytelling Expert, Aurora Stories
Korbinian Guglhör
C-Level Branding expert
Claudio Barrantes
Video expert, paradots
David Adlhoch
Video expert, Linkgroup
Matthias Reiter
Finfluencer, Finanzen verstehen
Why are videos important?
“C-level videos play an important role in stakeholder communication. They provide a unique opportunity to humanize a company, share vision, values and equity story directly from the top, and build trust with stakeholders.”
How to participate
How to participate
The C-Level Video Award honors excellent videos of board members (e.g. CEO). Companies and their agencies can submit projects online on the award website (free of charge) including a pitch description.
HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management has developed the C-Level-Video-Score for the evaluation of board videos. Our jury, consisting of science and industry representatives, evaluates the submitted videos based on this score.
It is time to celebrate. The winners of the C-Level Video Award will be announced on our website as well as on LinkedIn. The award honors the three best submissions (gold, silver, bronze).
Any questions on our award? Please contact us.